Something about a man with a hammer seeing nothing but nails springs to mind...
Apparently, “A senior British Army officer has sparked indignation in the US with a scathing article criticising the US Army's performance in Iraq”:
In [the article] Brig Aylwin-Foster says American officers displayed such cultural insensitivities that it “arguably amounted to institutional racism” and may have helped spur the insurgency.Ouch. It's always hardest when it comes from the ones we love.
While the army is “indisputably the master of conventional war fighting, it is notably less proficient in... what the US defence community often calls Operations Other Than War,” the officer wrote.
Operations to win the peace in Iraq were “weighed down by bureaucracy, a stiflingly hierarchical outlook, predisposition to offensive operations and a sense that duty required all issues to be confronted head on”, he added.
The British Army has had a long and bloody history of dealing with insurgency/terrorism/“winning the peace” and this reported article reflects that. Seen through the lens of the politics of terror, this highlights the neoconservative need to exercise force in support of their grand-unifying myth. A pity that the civilian population of Iraq have to pay for this myth with their lives.
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